What You Should Know About Roof Hail Damage and Insurance
Surely, you’ve seen roofing company trucks line the street as your neighbors fix the hail damage caused by spring and summer storms. Perhaps you’ve held off because of the insurance deductible, or aren’t sure whether you experienced any damage. Fortunately, Watergate Roofing can help.

Does My Roof Have Hail Damage?
We highly recommend calling a professional to provide a roof inspection, as you’ll need a professional roof inspector to prepare a report detailing the damage and estimating the cost to repair or replace it. That being said, you can first look at your roof yourself to see if you can spot any roof hail damage. You’ll also want to inspect other areas for damage, such as the mailbox, gutters, doors, and siding.
What Will the Roof Professional Do?
When the professional comes to take a look at your roof, their trained eye looks for specific signs of damage. Creased and missing shingles, as well as indentations, all indicate hail or wind damage. When they spot these areas, they often draw a circle around them with chalk and then take pictures for the insurance company. This helps the homeowner and the insurance agent identify the extent of the damage.
I’ve Been Waiting to File an Insurance Claim. How Long Do I Have?
Some insurance companies may allow up to 24 months to file a claim for roof hail damage. Most generally allow 12 months. Despite these timeframes, we encourage you not to wait. It just makes the most sense. Plus, insurance companies tend to be more responsive when claims are filed promptly.
Should I Hire Roof Contractors Going Door-to-Door in My Neighborhood?
Maybe, but be careful. We caution you to avoid any companies who are based out of state. You may also feel uncomfortable if anyone puts undue pressure on you, asks for money upfront, or makes you feel ill at ease. Reputable companies sometimes do this, but you should always research anyone you plan on hiring before making the deal. This provides the best protection to ensure they’ll do a good job and be reachable in the event of unforeseen issues.
What If My Insurance Company Gives Me a Hard Time?
Some insurance companies offer lower deductibles, which seems good when you pay the premiums. However, lower deductibles often mean lower coverage and payouts. Before you call your agent, check your policy to ensure it covers the replacement cost. If the insurance company sends an adjuster to your house, ask the roofing company to come out, too. Together, they’ll review the damage and the job estimate. They may even add items as they uncover the extent of the damage.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
If you live in Indianapolis, Carmel, Westfield, or Bloomington, IN, or anywhere in between, Watergate Roofing is here to help. We’ll repair or replace your residential or commercial roof in no time. Give us a call at (317) 80-ROOFS to ask about a free estimate.